I am sorry that I have not written a blog in a while. I have been a little busy and on vacation.
While on vacation in Gatlinburg, Charlie learned how to maneuver his walker like a pro. He had a lot of room to race around on the hardwood floors. The mobility made him very happy, but created a nightmare for us. His little arms and hands reached for everything in sight.
We had to run around and get everything out of his reach. It was a close race getting to the items before our little Indy racer found them. He was full steam ahead when he saw you get up out of your seat as if he knew what was going on.
Charlie put up his radar and would lock on to the first beacon that he captured. His eyes lit up, his grin widened and zoom! The Fred Flinstone feet kicked into gear. You could hear the screeching of his quick feet on the floor like tires on a drag racer. It became a game for him.
He would laugh and giggle when you extended your arm and snatched up the keys, soft drink, books or whatever other item he was honed in on. After a few rounds of search and destroy my little tank driver developed a new tactic. I called this tactic "Ankle Crashing".
The new game became running over toes and crashing into your legs. You could see the determination in those innocent looking eyes to take out someone's legs. You couldn't walk anywhere without looking over your shoulder to see if "Charging Charlie" was inbound.
Since our vacation Charlie has learned how to do turn abouts and how to start at the front door and gain enough speed to pop wheelies over the linoleum-carpet thresh hold. I'm not kidding.