
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy Flipping New Year!

2013 was a fun and exciting year, but I was very excited for what 2014 had in store. Ella will be here in April, the Bengals are going to win the Super Bowl and good things are happening at work. I have a great feeling about this year.

I have been a bit under the weather for the past few days. The stomach bug has been going around, the air is cold and dry and the Cincinnati air is not the cleanest in the world. I have awaken every morning to a scratchy throat and my head feels like a water balloon.

On the morning of New Year's Eve I felt like death. We had plans to ring in the new year with some friends and I considered just staying home. I knew that the girls had already purchased snacks for our get together so I manned up and went to the party. I use the word "party" loosely. When you are 31 and have children "party" usually means sitting around watching the kids play.

The kids played forever, non-stop and we all ate some great food. Sausage balls, cream cheese and hot sauce, chicken nuggets shaped like dinosaurs and many other treats. The boys finally calmed down around 11:30pm. We were all exhausted, but I encouraged everyone to stay up until midnight. 

The ball dropped and my eyelids were not far behind. We stayed at our friend's house so I was not sleeping very soundly. Through the night I heard Charlie coughing. It was loud and clear since his face was snuggled into the side of my head. All of a sudden the coughing turned to the sound of a waterfall. The room was pitch black so I reached over and my hand landed right into a pile of fruit snacks and milk. Awesome!

The fruit snacks were just the first layer. They were followed by Dino nuggets, crackers, more milk and cookies. I think that I saw a full un-chewed Dino nugget head on my pillow. What a great start to the new year. 

Jamie was yelling "Turn on the light! Turn on the light!" She must think that I am a magician because she expects me to do everything instantly. I was in an unfamiliar room in complete darkness at 2:30 in the morning. Hold your horses woman! I stumbled around the room looking for the nearest light. The scene that was revealed looked like the St. Valentine's Day massacre.

We stripped the bed and Charlie and began cleaning everything up. Jamie, who I remind you, is five months pregnant, was gagging at the smell. I was praying that she did not toss her cookies too. I think that I would have stroked out if I had to do a double duty on cleanup.

We decontaminated the area and our child then packed up and made our way home. We all finally fell asleep around 6am. Needless to say, the new year was not starting out very happy. New Years Day began with lazy lounging on the couch until about 2pm. We finally had to get up and get ready to go to my birthday dinner.

I went upstairs to brush my teeth and there was a shaving razor in the sink. I set it on the vanity out of my way. I brushed my teeth and went to the bedroom to get dressed. I saw a spot on the bed that looked like paint. I touched the spot and it was wet. I immediately knew it was blood. I looked at Charlie and his little hands were covered in blood. He never made a sound, an ouch or acted like anything was wrong.

At some point while brushing my teeth he snagged the razor and cut the tip of his finger. Luckily it was just a little nick that was bleeding a lot. It looked a lot worse than it really was. 

Maybe 2014 is not going to be as great as I hoped. Happy flipping new year to the Hoppys.

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