
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Oh Brother!

Ella is becoming more and more aware of her surroundings everyday. She is discovering new objects to stare at and responds to familiar voices. She gets very excited when she hears Charlie's voice. Surprisingly, she can sleep through the incredible amount of noise that is produced by her big brother.

Charlie wakes up every morning and the first thing he does is find his "El" and says "Good morning El." He gives her a kiss on the head then turns his attention to a busy day of playing.

Now that Ella is more alert and is beginning to identify faces and voices, she must be thinking "Here comes that boy again." Between the constant train sounds and elephant noises, a person can go mad pretty quickly.

Just take a look at this picture. Charlie is belting out one of his train whistle sounds. Ella appears to be saying "Oh Brother."

These two kiddos already have an incredible bond. I hope that it continues. Hopefully Ella does not go insane from the noise and craziness that a two year old boy produces.

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