
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Hoppy Update

Charlie is now 3 years old, Ella just turned one, the wife is about to turn 29 again and I forget how old I am.

It is amazing watching our children grow and develop their own personalities. Charlie is cautious and kind. He loves to entertain however, he is a bit shy outside of the walls of our home. From the performances we have witnessed recently I believe he may become a Chipendale dancer. The boy has some moves.

Ella is always happy unless she is hungry. She is quite the comedian and even though she only says "Da-Da, Hi and Bye" clearly, she will talk your head off. She is a Daddy's girl and loves to cuddle. I sense boy trouble in the future.

Parenting is tiring, stressful, worrisome and awesome all at the same time. We were blessed to have one child and could not believe that we had been blessed with a second. I am balding at an alarming rate, but it is worth it. 

I have plenty of stories to share and will do my best to post them soon. 

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