
Friday, February 17, 2012

Mr. Personality!

Baby Charlie will be eight weeks old this Sunday and he is growing like a weed. My baby giant is wearing 3-6 month clothes! I think that he is going to be 6'6" tall! Probably by next week.

Charlie is starting to show some personality. He smiles when you rub his cheeks, he has been cooing and he shows his temper when he doesn't wake up with a bottle in his mouth. It is exciting and fun watching him change and grow. I don't want him to grow up too fast, but I can't wait to take him outside and watch him run around and want to play chase at the park. I have a feeling that he is going to be a talkative child. Lord help me. I can hear it now, "Why Daddy? Why Daddy? Why Daddy?". BECAUSE, I SAID SO!

I sure hope that this child does not have my knot tying abilities. I may come home to find all of my doors tied together and GI Joe swinging from the ceiling fan. For those of you that do not know me, I was obsessed with tying things together when I was young. I even tied my cousins to trees. Ropes and string were my favorite toys, but they always got me in trouble.

I've been told that I was a quiet child, but I was very inquisitive. I have a feeling that revenge is coming in the form of my beautiful son. I don't think that apologizing to my parents or care takers now will change what I will be encountering through my child's life.

I may have spawned a monster!?!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Paging Doctor Daddy!

Last night was pretty rough. Baby Charlie was not feeling well and Mommy was a little under the weather too. Doctor Daddy was trying to take care of Charlie so that Mommy could sleep, but Doctor Daddy is paying for it today. I don't mind though because I didn't get home from work until 10pm so I didn't get to see my boy.

On work nights Jamie takes the night shift and let's me sleep so that I can be ready for the work day. Last night, not so much. I woke up to both of my babies fussing. Not realizing that it was 4am, I volunteered my assistance. Not that you can really volunteer when it comes to a baby, but you know what I mean. I took Charlie to his room and enjoyed a few minutes of him looking up at me while we rocked. Doctor Daddy has nearly perfected his sleep spell so it wasn't long before baby Charlie was in slumber land.

I returned to my nice warm bed and slipped back into dreamland, but was constantly reminded that I had a house full of sick patients by the tossing and turning in my bed and the intermittent grunts and cries coming from the nursery. I did vow "in sickness and in health", but they forgot to read the anytime of day or night clause. I'm just joshing ya. I love my little family and would do anything that I needed to, to keep them safe and healthy.

I hope that tonight goes a little better. Doctor Daddy needs some sleep so that he doesn't turn into Mr. Hyde.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day!

Valentine's day was established in 496 AD by Pope Gelasius I in celebration of "romantic love". It was originally a day that lovers expressed their love during the courting process. Courting? I think that my grand parents courted...? My generation dates, sees or talks to someone they are interested in.

Valentine's Day has always been a day to exchange flowers, cards and confectionery. Yes, confectionery. A.K.A chocolates. What a great way to seduce your "courting" partner. Put them in a sugar coma.

Valentine's Day is a great day to remind the people that you love, that you love them. Should we not remind them everyday? I know, I know, it's a smushy holiday to be cutsie, wootsie and I just said that it is based on an old tradition. I do believe that it is overrated and has been exploited by big time corporations like major card and gift companies, but they have to make a buck.

I think that the best gifts are the genuine smiles, hugs, winks and I love yous. I am cheap when it comes to these "Hallmark" holidays, but just think for a second. Do you want a $5 card that will be thrown away or do you want a giant warm hug that will be in your memory forever? I choose the hug.

I got in the car this morning to find a pack of Reese cups and a six pack of Mt. Dew. Now that says I love you. You know the way to my heart Jami. Happy Valentine's Day to all, and to all a full belly of chocolate.