
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I'm tired of being an elephant!

Ever since we went to the circus Charlie has been in love with elephants. They are big and cool and they make an awesome sound. Stuffed, plastic, on television or in a picture, it does not matter. When Charlie sees it, he instantly loves it and lets out his perfect elephant trumpet. 

As soon as I come home from work Charlie tries to pull me onto the floor so that he can jump on my back and imagine that I am an elephant. He jumps on me like he is a trick rider and throws his arms in the air and waves to the audience. The only audience is typically Jamie, but Charlie acts like he is really in the circus. That kid has one huge imagination. He grabs my shirt and pulls up in an effort to make me do tricks. A simple raise of my arm is usually enough for him to let out a screechy giggle.

After several minutes of crawling around on the floor with a two year old on my back my knees get sore and my back begins to hurt. I am too old for this stuff, but how do I tell my son no. He would not listen anyway. He is the most persistent child in the world. I try flying him around over my head, but that hurts my shoulders. I don't have the most healthy joints after years of football and wrestling.

Thank goodness Paw-Paw has come to the rescue. No, Paw-Paw does not get in the floor and pretend to be an elephant. He bought a great substitute though.

This little guy has saved me from sore muscles and bruised knees. Charlie can sit on it, flip over it and make him do tricks. He is also light enough that Charlie can take him anywhere. It is a tight squeeze trying to get him in the crib though. Don't worry, I don't shove this thing in the bed with him. He would love to sleep on it though. 

I always wondered what kids dream about. Now I know. My child dreams about feeding apples to elephants. How do I know? Charlie rolled over the other night while sleeping, trumpeted like an elephant, said "Apple!" and giggled. I just hope that he does not start sleep walking like an elephant. That would be freaky to wake up to in the middle of the night.

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