
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Big Brother!

We brought our beautiful new baby girl home yesterday. We were so excited for Charlie to meet her in our own environment. He did not pay attention to her in the hospital, but he soon realized she was here to stay. 

After loving on Mommy and Daddy he started to check out his new little sister. Once it clicked that he was the big brother he transformed into a whole new person. He wanted to hold her, carry her, put her in the swing and make sure everything was perfect.

As soon as you say "We need to change Ella's diaper." He runs and grabs a diaper, the wipes and Desitin. He brings us her blankets and makes funny faces at her. She loves to hear Charlie's voice. Charlie bought Ella a little stuffed lamb for her birthday. He makes sure that she has it at all times.

Our parents came to welcome us home and Charlie was proud to show off his "El". He watched her like a hawk. When some one picked her up and held her he kept his eyes on them. No one was going to take his "El". If she whimpered he jumped up and checked out the situation. He made sure that she had her binky and she was not being hurt.

Charlie wanted to feed Ella, but we had to explain that fruit snacks are not in her diet. When we told him she drank milk he went to the refrigerator and grabbed the gallon of milk and his sippy cup. He is trying to help and it is adorable. If he loses sight of Ella he flips. "Where El?!? Where El?!?" You better show him where El is or he will hunt her down. I don't think that I will have to worry about boys. 

I took Charlie up to bed and he had a meltdown. He patted on the bed and said "Ellllll!" I asked if he wanted Ella to sleep with him and he nodded yes with his pouty lip and a tear in his eye. I had to explain that Ella has to stay with Mommy and he settled down. 

I laid with him since we had not been together in two days. He wrapped his arms around my neck and shoved his head into my shoulder as tight as he could. He was so glad to have me back home. 

The transition has been pretty good. He has had a few breakdowns which I have attributed to jealousy and exhaustion. I sat him down and had a talk with him. I don't know if a two year old really comprehends how Mommy and Daddy can love two children, but he has been fine since then. It is amazing to see how Charlie's big brother instincts kicked right in. 

God has blessed me/ us, with a beautiful family. We have a great support system, great parents, grandparents, siblings and aunts and uncles. Thank you to everyone for all of your help and gifts.

Monday, April 14, 2014

In Six Days!

In six short days my baby girl will be secure in my arms. She will look up at me and my heart will melt. She will be the princess of my kingdom and the most precious flower in my garden. She will do-no-wrong in my eyes and her every wish will be granted.

In six short days I will become a nervous wreck. I will look at every male as if he is a predator trying to prey on my daughter. I will clean my guns regularly while wearing full camouflage. I will have a look in my eye that can steal a soul. I may even dress in full Spartan warrior attire just in case little Johnny gets too close to my Ella on the playground.

Charlie already has me wrapped around his finger. I come home with a new toy for him every time I go to Kroger. What am I going to do when my baby girl says "Daddy, I want..."? I am going to be broke! 

Other than being a protector and a walking ATM I fear that I may have to learn a few other trades. A few of those trades being a hairdresser, a tea maker, a florist and a cosmetologist. How much blush is too much? Are pig tails okay everyday? 

In six days I will become Prince Charming, a super hero and most importantly, a father. I guess that the best and most important thing that I can do for my baby girl is love her, teach her how valuable she is and show her how a woman should be treated. 

Wish me luck.