
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year!

Here we are again at the start of a new year and we are all jacked up on our big plans for 2016. Most of us want to lose weight or save money or try to make our lives better in some way. Personally, I plan to eat healthier, work out more, and slow the ever present aging process. Most resolutions are kept for about a week then all of a sudden we get side tracked.

"There was a birthday party and I had to eat cake." I know this one very well.

"I am trying not to cuss this year but, the drive up 75 North is maddening and a few expletives slipped from my mouth." I think that this came from my grandma's mouth.

"The gym is crowded and it was not worth going." Every gym membership holder ever.

This year is going to be different. Put your head down and go full force with your will power! I am starting with a smoothie detox and plan to continue through the year with a gluten free diet. It is amazing how your diet can affect your skin, hair, sleep, energy level and mood. I blame my balding head on the kids, not necessarily my diet.

I have printed off several recipes for smoothies to choose from. Some are good morning motivators, others are meal replacers and a few are for post workout. You can pretty much throw whatever you want into a blender and make a smoothie however, I suggest that you follow some proven concoctions until you know what works. You do not want to be deterred immediately at the beginning of the diet. I really look forward to the coca smoothie!

So far, everyone that I have told about my smoothie plan has looked at me like I have two heads. Is it really that crazy of an idea? I think that most people do not realize that they are constantly feeding their body junk. The junk taste great and our brain tells us to eat more however, all of the processed food that we eat is like dumping oil sludge into your car engine. "It-ain't-good."

I encourage all of you, no matter your resolution, to achieve your goal this year. Start by choosing one or two resolutions that are truly achievable. Make a plan. Track your progress. Set an actual goal and do not just say you want to lose weight. Specify if you want to lose 5, 10 or 15 pounds and give yourself a deadline by issuing a 1 pound per week goal.

I will do my best to keep you updated with my progress and hopefully it helps keep you motivated with your resolution. The annual "Flab-a-thon" at work should help keep me motivated.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Penguin Patrol

We had quite a busy day yesterday. We started the day off thinking it was going to be a lazy Friday when Jamie announced that we had an opportunity to go see some penguins up close and personal. We were pushed into frantic mode when she then announced at 9:58 that the "show" started at 10:00.

We are used to frantically packing up and getting ready since our house has been for sale and we have received several short notices for showings. We threw a cute outfit on El topped her off with a bow, dressed Charlie in his usual "I don't care what I look like as long as I am comfortable wardrobe and we headed out-the-door.

We arrived at our destination to find that the closest parking spot was about 7 light years away from the door. Being my chivalrous self, I dropped the family at the door and prepared for a hike. After a 10 minute walk from Scooby Doo 2 I arrived at the check-in desk. The officer asked my name and let me know that my wife had my badge. She then just stared at me like her central computer went into sleep mode. 

I said "Umm...where do I go to find my wife that has my badge?" 

She replied "In there." Pointing to a secured door that can not be entered without a badge. I thought to myself, "You are BRILLIANT!" I text Jamie to come get me and she must have been reading my mind because she simultaneously met me at the door. The rush to leave the house, the 8 mile hike and the enlightening encounter with Deputy Dog was all worth it. 

Warning:The following pictures contain all kinds of cuteness. 

Ella immediately tried to capture the penguin to take him home.

Charlie brought his dinosaur along and was a bit shy at first.

Ella could not get enough of this cute and wild creature.

Charlie finally warmed up a bit and gave the penguin a pet or two.

Don't worry. This penguin is a species from South Africa and is used to warm climates. No ice required for this girl named Simon.

This was just the first stop of our day. To be continued...

To see Simon, visit the Newport Aquarium in Newport, KY.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Ella Want A Cracker

Ella has inherited a great mix of resourcefulness and comedy from Jamie and I. She also eats more than any child I have ever seen. If you put all of those traits together you get this.

What a great way to save your food for later and not forget about it. It's like a post-it note, but tastier. Just lick and stick. Boom! There you go. Afternoon snack packed and ready for easy retrieval.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Headless Horseman!

I do not know what the obsession is with putting blankets on his head, but it makes for some entertaining moments. 

Today Charlie decided to hang his sheet on his head and ride his trusty steed off into the sunset.

Ella has an obsession with draping clothes over her head. 

Is this normal? Do they think they are invisible? 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Hoppy Update

Charlie is now 3 years old, Ella just turned one, the wife is about to turn 29 again and I forget how old I am.

It is amazing watching our children grow and develop their own personalities. Charlie is cautious and kind. He loves to entertain however, he is a bit shy outside of the walls of our home. From the performances we have witnessed recently I believe he may become a Chipendale dancer. The boy has some moves.

Ella is always happy unless she is hungry. She is quite the comedian and even though she only says "Da-Da, Hi and Bye" clearly, she will talk your head off. She is a Daddy's girl and loves to cuddle. I sense boy trouble in the future.

Parenting is tiring, stressful, worrisome and awesome all at the same time. We were blessed to have one child and could not believe that we had been blessed with a second. I am balding at an alarming rate, but it is worth it. 

I have plenty of stories to share and will do my best to post them soon. 

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