
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year!

Here we are again at the start of a new year and we are all jacked up on our big plans for 2016. Most of us want to lose weight or save money or try to make our lives better in some way. Personally, I plan to eat healthier, work out more, and slow the ever present aging process. Most resolutions are kept for about a week then all of a sudden we get side tracked.

"There was a birthday party and I had to eat cake." I know this one very well.

"I am trying not to cuss this year but, the drive up 75 North is maddening and a few expletives slipped from my mouth." I think that this came from my grandma's mouth.

"The gym is crowded and it was not worth going." Every gym membership holder ever.

This year is going to be different. Put your head down and go full force with your will power! I am starting with a smoothie detox and plan to continue through the year with a gluten free diet. It is amazing how your diet can affect your skin, hair, sleep, energy level and mood. I blame my balding head on the kids, not necessarily my diet.

I have printed off several recipes for smoothies to choose from. Some are good morning motivators, others are meal replacers and a few are for post workout. You can pretty much throw whatever you want into a blender and make a smoothie however, I suggest that you follow some proven concoctions until you know what works. You do not want to be deterred immediately at the beginning of the diet. I really look forward to the coca smoothie!

So far, everyone that I have told about my smoothie plan has looked at me like I have two heads. Is it really that crazy of an idea? I think that most people do not realize that they are constantly feeding their body junk. The junk taste great and our brain tells us to eat more however, all of the processed food that we eat is like dumping oil sludge into your car engine. "It-ain't-good."

I encourage all of you, no matter your resolution, to achieve your goal this year. Start by choosing one or two resolutions that are truly achievable. Make a plan. Track your progress. Set an actual goal and do not just say you want to lose weight. Specify if you want to lose 5, 10 or 15 pounds and give yourself a deadline by issuing a 1 pound per week goal.

I will do my best to keep you updated with my progress and hopefully it helps keep you motivated with your resolution. The annual "Flab-a-thon" at work should help keep me motivated.

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