
Sunday, January 3, 2016

Smoothie Number One

I started the smoothie detox today and I was looking forward to the chocolate covered strawberry smoothie. Yes, dark chocolate is actually good for you. I normally do not care for dark chocolate, but when a diet calls for it, you throw it in.

The recipe called for strawberries, dark chocolate, coconut milk and ice. I dumped everything into the blender and let it roll. I could hear the ice hitting the blades, but it was not being ground up. This created a watery mix which is not very good in a smoothie.

I continued to try to blend the ice, but I finally gave up and just took the ice out of the mixture. Unfortunately, I could not get the water out. At this point I was staring at a beautiful cup of charcoal. The chocolate made the mixture black and the strawberries created a porous, cooling lava consistency. I thought, "it can not taste that bad, it has chocolate in it." 

I turned the glass up and took a gulp. I am pretty sure that I tasted the bowels of hell. Watered down, ground up, strawberries and chocolate is like drinking chalk and Elmer's glue. This was not the way that I wanted to start this program. I had some high hopes that smoothies would be delicious and an easy replacement for meals. 5 minutes in and I was defeated. 

I threw out the activated charcoal recipe and just enjoyed a berry smoothie and salad for lunch. This was not a normal salad that I typically load up with cheese and bacon bits, smothered in ranch dressing. This was a lettuce, spinach, tomato, olive and broccoli salad, drizzled with olive oil and vinegar dressing. I just keep telling myself that it will be worth it in the end.

No artificial sugars, caffeine or meat is not normal for me. I already have some cravings, but I will stay strong and get through this, even if I have to drink charcoal.

Please comment with any smoothie tips or recipes. It will be a long 7 days without them.

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