
Monday, January 2, 2012

The New Year!

So far 2012 has been a pretty good year for me. I know that we are only two days into January, but I feel like good things are coming my way this year. Work has been good over the past two days. People are buying cars which means money is flowing and the economy is not as bad as it may seem. Yes, the healthcare system in this country sucks and is nearly unaffordable for a lot of people, but people are spending.

My gluten free diet has been going well for the first two days of the year. I did have a relapse today when the guys at work ordered a cinnapie. If you don't know what a cinnapie is, it is a pizza sized cinnamon roll covered in frosting. It is heaven in your mouth and hard to resist because it smells so good. Call your local PapaJohns and order one. Tell them Michael sent you. Maybe they will give me a sponsorship.

I am enjoying this year's first snow. I have been watching it from the comfort of my nice warm office and have not had to drive in it yet. Traffic is pretty backed up. Oh shoot, I do leave work soon. Oh well. Snow is still neat.

My family has been absolutely great supporting us and the new baby. They want to be with us all of the time which is cool. I like my family. They bring food so that is an automatic open invitation. Charlie is laid back just like daddy and only cries when he is hungry or needs a diaper change. He likes to be awake between 4 and 6am, but he just lays in bed and looks around. I can't wait to take him fishing this spring.

All is well in 2012 and I am loving life! Happy New Year!

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