
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

So Big!

I can't believe it! My two week old child has already outgrown his newborn clothes! He is too long. I feel like the next time that I turn around he will be walking. "Slow down son. Let daddy enjoy you at this age for a while."

Being a father is the most awesome feeling in the world. I don't understand how some people in this horrible world could harm, neglect and abandon their children.

Every little flinch, twitch or noise that he makes is translated as communication. "He just waved!" "I think he said I love you?" "He just smiled at me!" These are most likely not his intentions, but it is funny to watch us act like it is.

The first few days were overwhelming, but our little family has settled into a routine and things are going well. Charlie is the running the entire show, but that is okay. He is spoiled rotten already. Lord help me when he comes home from Grandma and Grandpas house.

Charlie is taking his first trip to St. Mary's next weekend, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that he doesn't mind being in his car seat for a few hours. If he still fits!?!

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