
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Roly Poly!

Charlie has been making an effort to roll from his back to his belly. He has not figured out how to position his arm to allow him to go all of the way over yet, but he wants to. He keeps spinning in circles and kicking as hard as he can to get his body going. He also has quite a temper when he is not successful. The first couple of tries made him giggle because he discovered something new, but then it was on! If he could not make the full rotation he would growl and get mad. He kicked like he was dropped in the middle of the ocean and had to get to land.

I made a few attempts to help him position his arm, but I did not want to get too involved so that he could learn on his own. I think that by the end of the day today or tomorrow I will be getting a call from Jamie saying that he made it all of the way over. Once he completes one full rollover, I have a feeling that we will be in trouble. He has pulled his knees up when doing tummy time and he is as strong as an ox in the upper body. I think that it is only a matter of a few short weeks before he is crawling.

It is so neat to watch Charlie learn something new everyday. His toys are now enemies. He grabs them with every intention of ripping or chewing there heads off. It might be time to officially baby-proof the house? Hopefully he does not bite into an electrical cord like I did. His new wake up call has been lifting up his feet and slamming them into the mattress. From the room beneath his room it sounds like a someone stomping on the floor. He is a strong little baby. He is not that little. When you rock him, his legs hang over the arm rest and our glider is pretty wide.

The last time that I measured him was about 2 weeks ago and he was 25 inches long! I think that puts him in the 75th percentile for length! Have I spawned a giant? I think so. He is going to be 6 feet tall in the 5th grade looking down at me and asking for lunch money. I have not met too many babies that have strength that is comparable to his either. He can slow the blood flow to your finger by squeezing it. His favorite game is "keep Daddy from dressing me". I try to put a shirt on him and he will use all of his might to ensure that I can not put his arm through his sleeve. He laughs as I try to pull his arm away from his body.

We are going to have our hands full soon. Our Roly Poly is about to be mobile! Look out world and stuffed animals! Charlie is about to show his destructive power when he gets a hold of you.

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