
Friday, April 27, 2012

Sleeper Spell!

Yesterday was a fun day with the family. Charlie, Jamie and I visited the Creation Museum. Charlie was enthralled by all of the sights and sounds. He is obviously not old enough to understand the message, but it was fun to see his excitement. My mother and 4 year old cousin accompanied us on the trip. My cousin, Addison, was more interested in the fountains and fish than anything else. She did say that she wanted to ride the giant Pterodactyl that was hanging from the ceiling in the entry way.

It is always neat to see Charlie experiencing a new place and new people. He has his eyes wide open and his head spins around like an owl on the hunt. I wonder what is going through his mind. He loves the attention that he receives from the people around him and he always puts on a show of "cuteness". His personality is going to be a great mix between mine and Jamie's. He lays back chilled out and has sudden out burst of laughing and talking when he wants attention. It's just too bad that no one loves the poor kid. Yeah, Right!

I can not wait until we can start making trips to other places such as the zoo, science museum, aquarium, etc... I have a feeling that when Charlie can start talking we are going to have an animated story teller on our hands. I can already tell that he is a little sponge just soaking up every bit of information that he can. I can hear him now, in an accelerated voice "Grandma, there were dinosaurs, ROAR, scared me, fish in water, ice cream. hahaha. It was fun at the atwareum. Will you take me?" Oh Lord! I have no idea what I have created.

The best part of the whole day was when Jamie came down stairs and found Charlie and I fast asleep at 10:40am. When Charlie wakes up with Mommy at 6:30 in the morning, he thinks it is time to play. When he gets up with Daddy at 6:30 in the morning he knows that it is time to let Daddy take a nap. Jamie asked, "Has he been asleep this whole time?" I replied, "Yes, why?" She exclaimed, "He never does that for me!" My reply, "Well, I just put him in the swing and he goes back to sleep." (Charlie grins at Jamie) I guess that I have a sleeper spell and no it is not medically induced.

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