
Saturday, April 28, 2012

When it rains, it pours!

Take a look at the life that you currently have. Look at the physical material around you. Think about the people in your life that you think will always be there. Think about the roof over your head, the clothes on your back and the food on your table. Have you ever taken a moment to think about these things before, or do you just take them for granted?

I did not think about these every day "gifts" until I hit rock bottom. I lost my grandfather, lost my job, couldn't have a baby and didn't feel like doing anything. I began asking why. This search led me no where. I was looking for answers, not solutions. I could not turn my head around to look forward because I was stuck looing back. Everyday was a struggle. I felt that I had no chance of ever recovering and the rest of my life was going to be a string of terrible events.

After many months of searching for answers I finally discovered the problem. I was searching for the wrong thing and looking in all of the wrong places. I realized that I needed to find the solutions to the problems that were in front of me and I could only find those answers deep inside of my heart and mind that was being guided by the Lord. Once I began my new search I started to find what I needed.

First I started with the feelings that I had about my grandfathers passing. I was angry, sad and full of sorrow that he was not around anymore. I began to reflect on the lessons that he had taught me through out my life. When I was young I did not realize that he was teaching me lessons that would stick with me. He taught us how to be better people through his actions. He always wore a smile and made you laugh. No one was a stranger to him. He was a family man and always put his family first. Especially his grandchildren. As I reflected on his life I could hear him saying "Get up off of your butt and keep moving forward. There ain't no use in crying over me." A little piece of me began to come back. I hope that I can be half of the man that he was.

I then had to deal with the loss of a great job. I was immediately employeed at another job, but I felt like I had just let everything that I had worked for slip through my fingers. I guess that it was God's plan to send me somewhere that I could find the messages that I needed to hear. I was surrounded by people that were deep into the word of God and they were always sharing the message. This helped me to understand my purpose and what I needed to do to live a better life and bring my blessings to fruitation.

The hardest time in my life was understanding why my wife and I were not able to produce a child. We visited doctors and specialists, but we forgot to consult with the man upstairs. He led us in the direction we needed to travel to prepare ourselves and our home for our child. Shortly after giving everything that we had to God, we bagan to receive our blessings one after another.

Not only did we receive blessings, but the people around us began to be blessed with what they needed also. The blessings are still continuing today and I thank God for all that he has done in my life and for the people in my life.

I may sound like a broken record, but repetition is the key to success, you have to get back up and move forward when something knocks you down. Do not take the people, your job and everything that you have for granted. It may not be there tomorrow.

Live today like it is your last, be kind to others and dig your ditches to catch the water.

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