
Monday, February 11, 2013

Off To The Races!

Charlie has been walking since Thanksgiving. He knows how to open doors, climb on to tables and is not afraid of anything. I think this is my payback for being a curious and mischievous child. He is in to everything! Closets, cabinets, drawers, toilets, garbage cans, boxes, buckets. Everything! Our house looks like a maximum security penitentiary. You have to know the secret password just to get a spoon out of the drawer.

I am starting to believe in evolution. If you saw my son, you would swear that he is part monkey. Climbing, flipping, swinging, we can not keep him still. I think that I created a daredevil. I mean, who falls off of the couch, smashes their face on the floor and gets up laughing and dancing like nothing happened? Charlie!

We have been seriously considering gymnastics for this child. He has superhuman strength. I have never picked up a one year old child from a stroller and thought, "Why are you so heavy today?" Probably because the child is still holding on to the stroller. I really hope that he is in to wrestling and football.

Charlie already has many talents that are shining through. Magic is one of his best. He can make anything disappear. Who would have thought to check the kitchen utensil drawer for the television remote? Me, after 30 minutes of checking the ball pit, under the couch, behind the T.V., in the toy box, on the steps, under the cushions...sheesh! I need to buy some chains. No, not for Charlie. For all of the loose items in our items.

Basic sign language has become a big thing in our house and Charlie is learning very fast. It has been a great way to communicate as his language develops. Everyday, a new word becomes more clear. I have noticed that the words that we have applied signing to have become the clearest words that he speaks. Has there been any research on this?

As Charlie's energy continues to increase, my level continues to decrease. This kid is wearing me out. It is so neat to watch him develop and learn something new everyday. Hopefully chasing him around all of the time will get me back into shape.