
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Paging Doctor Daddy!

Last night was pretty rough. Baby Charlie was not feeling well and Mommy was a little under the weather too. Doctor Daddy was trying to take care of Charlie so that Mommy could sleep, but Doctor Daddy is paying for it today. I don't mind though because I didn't get home from work until 10pm so I didn't get to see my boy.

On work nights Jamie takes the night shift and let's me sleep so that I can be ready for the work day. Last night, not so much. I woke up to both of my babies fussing. Not realizing that it was 4am, I volunteered my assistance. Not that you can really volunteer when it comes to a baby, but you know what I mean. I took Charlie to his room and enjoyed a few minutes of him looking up at me while we rocked. Doctor Daddy has nearly perfected his sleep spell so it wasn't long before baby Charlie was in slumber land.

I returned to my nice warm bed and slipped back into dreamland, but was constantly reminded that I had a house full of sick patients by the tossing and turning in my bed and the intermittent grunts and cries coming from the nursery. I did vow "in sickness and in health", but they forgot to read the anytime of day or night clause. I'm just joshing ya. I love my little family and would do anything that I needed to, to keep them safe and healthy.

I hope that tonight goes a little better. Doctor Daddy needs some sleep so that he doesn't turn into Mr. Hyde.

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