
Monday, April 30, 2012

Big Day for Charlie!

Today was a big day for Charlie. He rolled from his back to his tummy for the first time and he has discovered that he can scream really loud in a high pitched tone.

I was laying in the floor teaching Charlie how to position himself to make a complete rotation this morning. He did not show much interest in what I was saying or how I placed his arms. A few hours later I went up to my bedroom to get a pair of socks and when I returned he was 3/4 of the way turned. I started calling for Jamie before Charlie completed his roll. If she missed his first roll over I would have to keep it a secret until she witnessed it then I would have to act surprised. That would be to hard to keep a secret.

After hearing multiple whispered calls of "Psss....pssss!...hey! Come here...Babe! Hurry!" Jamie finally made her way into the living room to see a surprised baby pop his head up like "What just happened? Everything is right side up?" Mommy cried, I laughed and Charlie was still in shock showing off his stellar army crawl that took him no where.

Later in the evening we were at my mothers house and several other relatives joined us for dinner. We were in the living room when Charlie and my two cousins caught a case of the giggles. Charlie let out his typical Santa Clause style laugh which suddenly turned into a hysterical screeching laugh. At first I thought that it was Addison, but to my surprise it was Charlie. He was so excited that he was screeching away like a baby hawk. We might have to reduce the amount of time that he watches Animal Planet.

The surprise and hilarity of his screeching caused the girls to laugh even harder which created an absolute giggle fest in the house. More laughing, more screeching, and some more laughing. All of a sudden it wasn't funny any more. Charlie scared himself and decided that the fun was over. It was past his bedtime.

Everyday is filled with something new. My little baby will be crawling soon. A little sooner than I want him to. Before I know it he will be climbing up walls and furniture. I don't think that I am ready for that. He has figured out how to get Mommy and Daddy to buy him toys, but I will save that story for tomorrow.

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