
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Charlie the Drummer!

I woke up yesterday morning to a cute little smiling face laying next to me in bed. It looked innocent and very happy to see me. I was happy to see him too, but it was way too early to be as excited as Charlie was. Atleast he knows that morning time is quiet time. He will sing a soft song all morning long until you take him downstairs then it is game on with the loud echoing of newly discovered screeching and growling.

As I laid in bed waking up to start the day Charlie laid next to me telling me all about his dreams. As his stories continued I drifted in and out of twilight. I guess that he was not happy that I was not getting up to play with him because he started beating on my chest like I was a drum. He made a tight fist and used it like a sledge hammer. "Bam, Bam, Bam!" He was relentless. I should have called to report parent abuse. He must have enjoyed beating up Daddy because he was laughing away. What a bully.

There was no going back to sleep now. I got up and took Charlie down to his swing and I laid back down on the couch. The old sleeper spell had worn off. Charlie was ready to get the day rocking. He did not want to sleep and he did not want Daddy to sleep either. The screeching and growling started. You would have thought that a hawk was swooping through the living room attacking a bear. Ecstatic about his new found sound effects, Charlie would chuckle after a few minutes of noise making. The process was repeated several times throughout the morning.

Finally Charlie had wore himself out performing his show and his growls turned into low rumbles which is an indication that he is about to fall asleep. He has been fighting his sleep lately and wants to be cuddled due to his teeth coming in. I got him out of the swing and laid with him on the couch. He must have thought that it was drummer time again. "Bam, Bam, Bam!" I am surprised that I do not have bruises on my arm and chest from him beating on me. He is incredibly strong for a 5 month old. The beating continued for about five minutes and he finally fell asleep. Daddy was not far behind. We took a good 45 minute nap.

"Bam, Bam, Bam!" I am awake Daddy! Well, atleast he let me get a nap.

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