
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Today is a day to celebrate the mothers in the world. Most of us will show our appreciation to our biological mother, some will show their appreciation to their mother-in-law, others will show their appreciation to the mother figure in their life. I have one of every kind so I have a lot of appreciating to do.

It doesn't matter if a woman gave birth to you for her to be called your mother. My definition of a mother is a woman that you share a bond with that makes you feel like she could or should be called your mother. You could have another family member that raised you or you spent a lot of time with throughout your life. Maybe you stayed with a family friend as a child and that person is like a mother figure to you.

The bottom line is that we should show our appreciation for what they all do in our lives. Mothers show us love, answer our difficult questions, fix our boo-boos and mend our broken hearts. They bake us cookies, cover us in lipstick and hug us just a little too tight sometimes. They read us stories before we went to bed, taught us how to pray and always listened to our imaginative stories. They keep us safe, support our dreams and would defend us to the death.

Give your mother a hug, give her a kiss, even if she is wearing too much lipstick and tell her that you love her and appreciate her. She still might bake you some cookies even though it is her day. If she doesn't, just ask Grandma.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I resemble that remark about the lipstick. LOL
