
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Back to Gluten Free

Happy New Year! The beginning of a new year is a great time to make changes in your life. Put all of the events from the past year behind you and look forward to positive changes in your life. This year I am going to restart a gluten free diet.

Jamie and I discovered the gluten free diet last year when we were looking for anything that might help us conceive a child. We started the diet on January 1st, 2011 and we found out that we were pregnant in May of 2011. Pretty amazing if you ask me. I don't know that the diet alone was the one main factor, but I am sure that it was a major player. The gluten free diet promoted many changes in our health. I have battled sleep disorders that seemed to disappear within a matter of weeks of starting the diet. I felt more energetic, I had more stamina throughout the day. I exerceised for about 30 minutes a day, three times a week and saw great results in my body shape and size.

To give you a basic background on gluten, it is a protein that is found in wheat, rye and barley. Essentially, bread and pasta style foods. Gluten is used in artificial flavors and can be found in pre-packaged foods. Most people think, "Oh my goodness! What can you eat? It must be so hard." The gluten free diet is not hard at all. You can eat whole fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy products. As gluten free foods become more popular, we are starting to see gluten free pasta (made from rice and is delicious), gluten free cake mix (delicious), gluten free bread mixes and many other foods that companies are creating in a gluten free style.

Jamie and I stopped the gluten free diet after we found out that she was pregnant because it seemed like a good excuse to eat junk food all of the time. After a few short weeks of being off of the diet, I started gaining weight rapidly (some might have been sympathy weight) and I did not feel as energetic as I had. I kept telling myself to get back on the diet, but it was very hard with all of the not-so-gluten free food in my house that was readily available. I was able to quit smoking during this time, which is good, however I ate more to fill the cravings. Here I am 20 pounds heavier than I was back in May.

Today is January 1st, 2012 and I am going back to the gluten free diet. I have already started the day with a coney bowl. For those of you that are not familiar with a cheese coney, please google it. The coney bowl is simply a cheese coney in a bowl with no bun. See how easy it is to be gluten free. Delicious food, slightly modified to fit your dietary demands. I must say that the gluten free diet is not a weight loss diet. It is a healthy lifestyle diet. You will not lose 100 pounds in 10 weeks, but you will feel more energetic and that will help you exerceise to lose weight. You will sleep better and you will feel better everyday when you wake up.

I have created another youtube channel dedicated to my gluten free diet and exercise plans. Please subscribe to gfreeforme and follow me as I show you how gluten free can positively affect your lifestyle. I have not posted any videos yet, but I should have the first intro video up tonight.

Happy New Year! Be G Free!

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