
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Pin Cushion!

Charlie had to go for his second round of vaccinations today. Anyone that has ever taken their child to the doctor for shots knows how heart breaking it can be. I think Mommy was more upset than Charlie was.

Jamie held his little arms and closed her eyes. I held his chunky legs and prepared for the scream. As the nurse quickly injected three shots into Charlie's thighs his lungs opened up. He let out a terrible cry that could break anyone's heart. Luckily he is tough and the crying didn't last for long. After a nice long nap, everything was just fine.

It was confirmed that Charlie has a few teeth about ready to poke through. He is drooling like his life depends on it. He is chewing on everything that he can get in his mouth. Fingers, toys, blankets, nothing is safe from those chops.

While we were waiting to be called back to the exam room, our little stud muffin spotted a little Philly that was about his age. The charm was turned on. He gave her the eye and started flexing. If he were a peacock I am sure that his feathers would have been up. I think that I heard Charlie say, "Hey Baby." We are going to have our hands full with this little flirt.

Our giant of a child weighed in at a healthy 17 pounds and measured 26 inches in length. He will be taller than me by the time he is in the 5th grade at this rate.

1 comment:

  1. He is sooooooo sweet. He is going to be a charmer like his daddy.

    Mawmaw P
